Still chasing...

June 25, 2016

This morning I had a great trip, in fact one of my best, but I’ll quickly update on the last few months first.

I really considered fishing for carp this year, and spent the spring looking at a local water I used to fish many years ago as a teenager. The old magic is still there, and so were the carp, but it had a tremendous weed problem. Now this would normally be a good thing as it keeps anglers off the water, but this was really bad, and up until May there were perhaps only 2 or 3 fishable areas so I decided against joining just yet.

June is normally the time I start my bass fishing, but over the last few years it has proved to be pointless, but old habits die hard so I've done a couple of trips with no results – although a strange dropped run has kept my enthusiasm levels topped up. In recent years all my recognised marks have turned off and when I’ve had limited success, the times have all changed as well. And it doesn't appear I’m alone as this seems to be a trend amongst other bass anglers I have spoken to.

Only last week I was saying in a local tackle shop that I’m now chasing, rather than waiting for the bass by trying new marks and times, and perhaps I should just stick to my old ways? So this morning saw me trying a new ‘old’ mark, at a new time just to see what was there!

Usual tactics were deployed with mackerel fished close in, but the quality of the mackerel was appalling with the flanks pulling straight through the hook, so big head and tails were used so they didn’t come off! The tide was just on the turn when I had a small run. I was almost shocked as I really wasn’t expecting it, which is my excuse for failing to connect. I put it down to a small schoolie but at least it was encouraging. About an hour later just as I was just getting the rod into position after casting the bait out, I noticed the line had pulled tight before I had chance to set the freespool.  Frustratingly this extra tension resulted in another dropped run.

Wow, this doesn’t normally happen to me, two runs on a newish mark, in June?  I made the decision that if I should get another run I will let it develop longer and see what happens. Perhaps 20 minutes passed when I felt and watched the line move from left to right. It then passed right in front of me, and continued for about 20ft when I engaged the spool. There was a moment when we were both confused, but sure enough it was hooked, so she decided to take a leisurely run putting a nice curve into the rod. I could see the bass and realised it was a good one, but the fight was easily controlled, so it wasn’t long before I was able to beach the bass.

After all these years I still shake like a teenager in front of a girl when I land a large bass, but despite shaking hands she was quickly unhooked and measured at 28″ to the fork.  Unfortunately, and for my second successive bass capture my camera failed to work. I can’t express how frustrated I am at my ineptitude for continuing to have faith in a camera, which after 16 odd years clearly doesn’t want to work anymore. To happen now was painful. Very painful.

Anyhow I have now found a mark that fishes at low and could potentially throw up a huge surprise later in the year – and I can’t wait.

NB, BASS Society length to weight scale 28″ approx. 9lbs


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