Reminiscence of a fool... Part 14

Another one from the past. May put a smile on your face, may not

Mad for it…

August 23, 2015

A beautiful morning, although the sea was strangely moody considering their wasn’t a breath of wind. I was after mackerel again.

Earlier that morning I had walked past three lads who were still enjoying a night out. Two of them I would describe as new age hippies, with the third just hanging on to the thin line of normality. I  imagined him really struggling with the 9 to 5 grind stone as I walked past.

I wanted to go last night to take advantage of the conditions but forgot we were taking Thomas out for a meal to say well done for his exam results. In the space of 24 hours it was now feeling very different. Frustratingly so.

Working along the shoreline for no reward, I came across the 3three lads again who were now swimming in the sea. Earlier my mind was wandering, and I was thinking about my friends who also like to share the good times. It did cross my mind that after a good night we could also watch the sun rise from this point on the beach – but the thought of skinny dipping has changed my mind somewhat!

I moved on past, and later as the weather changed the wind picked up with more than a hint of rain in the air. As I was leaving, I once again came across the group of friends. One of them appeared least affected by the nights activities asked how I had done, to which I gave the usual reply. I then suggested they were very brave to have an early morning swim,

‘Brave! Fucking mad more like…’


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