Pestered by 3lb bass!
I fished the tide up to around midnight. The wind wasn't quite in the direction as forecasted, so I was glad I'd packed extra clothes in the bag, as it was bloody cold. Started fishing with a first for me, whole mini cuttle as bait, and although I never had a touch with it its definitely one I will use again. Later on I switched over to mackerel head, and after sitting next to my rods for over 2.5 hrs I went to get a drink from my bag and the rod roared off!
How often does that happen? Stupidly I had tightened my freespool just a tad too much (due to weed build up) and the bass after feeling the tension dropped the bait causing the rod to ping back straight and nearly jump out of the rest. After recasting, I sat back hoping it was just a schoolie and pleased at least I was starting to get some action. Over the next hour I had a few more heart stopping runs before deciding to use smaller mackerel chunks to see how small the bass were. Within moments of changing, another screamer and this time hooked. It didn't take long to realise it wasn't a schoolie as this one really wanted its freedom.
It measured 19" to the fork (around 3.5lb) but looked so much bigger. I initially thought the red mark was a small clump of weed but on closer inspection its looks like damage from the hook hold. Bit gutted about that, as I always try to be careful when unhooking and releasing my fish, so will have to up my game in the future. I think if I had changed my bait size earlier I would have caught a few more, and although not the size I'm after, I don't mind being bothered by 3lb'ers!
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