Tonight is guaranteed

'You never take me anywhere, it would be nice to go out - even if it's just a coffee!'

She had a point, and she was right. So yesterday we went for a coffee and a bite to eat at a place that just happened to have a lovely view of the harbour.

On the way back to the car I noticed some lovely mullet, around 3 to 4lb, happily feeding in an out-of-bounds boatyard and it got me thinking, where there are mullet there had to be bass - and unbelievably it was my first sighting of a decent mullet this year!

So that evening, I was back out working near to the area with the lure rod. During the early flood the mullet appeared but the bass were absent. This really is becoming a shite year for me, and I don't think I have caught a bass to either lures or bait yet.

Back out tonight with bait, and I'm going with the attitude that I won't catch as I am going to just sit back and enjoy the sights and sounds of a beach at night. Well, at least that's guaranteed.

Unless some idiot wants to fish next to me.


Most bites...