Absurdly confident
Like many I keep a log of my captures, and in my case it's my blog. Overtime you get to see regular patterns, tides and times of the year that should do ok, but you get the odd one that you really look forward to way in advance, and if you are sad like me, book your holidays to coincide.
Well, todays tide was one of them, and following a great session with Rob just two days ago (at the same venue) I really was confident of a bass or two. I even looked through my blog, and got myself all worked up reading about bass to 8lb from 2014 almost to the same day, so when I arrived at the venue I could hardly contain my excitement as the conditions looked absolutely spot on.
I fished through the first bite time, nothing. Not to worry high tide will produce a few bites, again nothing. That's ok, two hours into the ebb can be good - well not today. So I carried on, waiting for a new bite time, that was until the seagulls started to find my earlier mackerel ground bait - and then the final straw, a dog ran up to me with a discarded mackerel head I had been using earlier in the tide.
Packed up, and headed home feeling more than just a bit sorry for myself. How sad is that.
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