A chance decision

Following the weekends storm I decided on a trip this morning after aborting Sunday's evening tide due to a combination of rain and the wind. Set off early planning to fish my usual spot when for some inexplicable reason decided to park up short of my mark and fish a spot I haven't fished for nearly 10 years or more. 

This mark has always shown great promise, but I've never had any luck, however thinking back I was maybe fishing the wrong times of the year to give it a proper chance back then. One advantage, however is the short walk to get there, and I was soon fishing with half a mackerel close in.

The waves still had a bit of fizz in them and the wind was slightly stronger than forecasted. After 30 minutes I was starting to think maybe I should have kept with my original plan - but there are so many good-looking spots I kept recasting to see if any bass were home as it all looked so good.

I cast to the last groyne before the entrance of a small harbour and very soon had interest. A determined run followed with me connecting to what I assume was a very small bass that appeared to 'let-go' of the bait on the way in. This state of affairs continued until I eventually connected into what I initially thought was another schoolie, but turned out to be this lovely conditioned bass of 23" to the fork - so around 5lb+.

Later in the morning I captured another one about 2.5lb and that was it. A great trip and really pleased to have found a 'new' mark as well.


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